Alright, so this is something that I have been planning to do for a while, but never really pulled through with. So my general plan is once a month (specifically the battledrome seasons) I will build a deck for the ever changing Oron Drome. So since this Month is only AU here we go...
1. Zhade DSD with a Drilldozer CR
2. Zamool with a Sandstorm Shroud
3. Zhade DSD with a Drilldozer CR
4. Smildon with a Sandstorm Shroud
5. Blazier CC with an Orb of Unda
6. Nom SOE with an Orb of Unda
1x Seering Symphony
1x Anthem of Stone
2x Howl of the Wind
2x Aegis Aeria
2x Turbulence Funnels
1x Xenocentric Wrath
2x Atmosfear
2x Earth Pulse
2x Airsault
2x Meditative Leap
2x Synaptic Acceleration
2x Obscuring Winds
2x Clean slides
2x Airize
1x Flame Breach ( I would Prefer the air one, but I dont have it :P)
2x Tablet Sanctuaries
2x The Storm Tunnels, Lingering Monsoon
2xRiverlands Abandoned wastes
2x Elemantirs
1x The Passage OW
1x Mipedim Valley
So this is pretty staright foward :P and It has won me all of my matches so far in Oron, even though it is only two battles :P
I hope you guys can take away something from this deck and apply it to your own.