Thursday, November 26, 2009

Another contest?

HEY! If you were in the competition earlier and have not read the previous post please do so!

So as you have noticed it has been REALLY quiet lately around here ._. I'd Like to change that ^_^. How? By having ANOTHER competition, but the prize is MUCH bigger this time! How Much bigger? WAY bigger. Here is the prize... *drum roll* ... You get to become an author on this very blog :O! I kid you not this is the prize, the winner will become a co-author with myself, they will get to see many of my deck creations, before they go public! They will be able to post here themselves, have their own competitions! The List goes on! For this competition though we have to have a way to compete!

So here is how you do so!

Send me an Article as if you were posting on a blog. So for example Make a deck and Explain it thoroughly. Now you don't Have to make a deck, you can do whatever you want.

Here is an example when CInsider did something like this. You guys can use these as an example. (Link)

So I will base my winners off of three things. Good Grammar and Spelling. Originality and a Good Command over the english language.

Good luck!

BTW I may pick more than one winner ;)


  1. :O Awesome! I will definetly try out for this rol! :D I will get started on this right away!


  2. Sweet! I've been wanting to create a blog of my own, but experience would be useful... I've been writing articles/fanfics for quite some time, so this will be rather simple. This blog has been rather dead lately, especially after the tourney ended. I still check it out daily for new posts:P. Since I missed the last contest, I'll hopefully be able to win this one... Thanks!


    *Does it have to be a deckbuild?

  3. where do we sent u our article?


  4. O.K. here we go!
    keppian with torrent krinth, jaal with vlaric shard,majjcan with vlaric shard
    malvadine with wind whip, arias with vlaric shard
    glapaal with muges lire

    Now keppian will gain 30 in everything to give it a nice boost in battle. Majjcan will get earth 10, which is awesome! I put malvadine and arias in there to protect glapaal who can drain 30 energy! Awesome! Please post a comment Kerberos.

  5. Depends whom that was ^^^Two posts up^^^
