Friday, January 29, 2010

Featured Soldier -Jan 29-

Well... I havn't done one in a WHILE... But Finals are now over for me, so you'll be seeing a bit more of me around. My life has finally begun to slow down thankfully. Moving on! This Featured Soldier is one of my Personal Favorite Mipedians, scratch that, Favorite Creatures, Ever.


Yup, Grantkae! I love this guy, Awesome in every way! Good Mipedian stats, High Speed and Good energy, he comes with Air and a Mugic counter! But that is not my reason for this guy winning the title of my personal favourite. He gives Massive boosts to your other creatures, not like the other generals, which first requires something or only boost them-self. Gorram, yes he does give the other creatures a boost, but only if a creature of the right tribe is in your discard pile. Barrath, requires a sacrifice and then boosts himself. Tangath is like Grantkae in that he just needs them to be there, but he only boosts himself. THAT is why I have always Liked Grantkae better than the other generals. Not Because he is a Mipedian. Though that is a nice touch. :P


  1. I've got to agree with your choice since Grantkae is the main component to any Rothar(FN, of course)/Burithean Axe Combo...Those two will make a great Combo. Add a Lodestone to this General and you've got a pretty nice Army ;). And his Disciplines make him sort of like a "Heptadd Mipedian"-Around 50 in the first three Disciplines, regular Mipedian Speed and 50 Energy. Pretty awesome all around ;).

    And nice Blazvatan Art! That's amazing! Can't wait to see more Art of yours :D.

  2. grantkae, i have to agree, is the best general. i have him in my new deck, and he doesn't only make my creatures a lot better, hes pretty good in combat himself.

    i also like the Blazvatan art. its pretty awesome.(u might come to find out that im a fan of blazvatan, just look at my name^)

  3. Grantkae is great. Though just a note, that Blazvatan is actually an initial concept for him, until his colours were changed, so it is official and drawn and coloured by the artists of Chaotic.

  4. Yeah, I didn't know until after I posted that he got it from E-Mann..
